Friday, June 15, 2012

The tent of destiny

Saturday afternoon the house I've blogged about here will be sold at auction. I haven't been able to sell my old house (which is rented, but the rent is not enough to pay off the loan on this one) and I've decided not to struggle any more to scrape up the property taxes. Even with my new slightly better paid job, I only make enough to cover my expenses every month. (I'd really like to have health insurance again, but it will take a while.) Turning loose of this house that I expected to live in for the rest of my life has proved startlingly easy. I will miss it, but I need to move on. My allergies will miss it more: I dread going back to hot air heat, which is all I can find, and I don't expect to have the money to rip out a whole heating system and replace with hot water heat. The 45 mile commute is a factor in how willing I am to move. When I built this house I intended to work from home. That has not been possible, and I love my new job (and I sort of still love my old job where I'm still working two days a week) but I spend two hours on the road every day. Someday I'll cut back to a five day work week, but not right away, so being twenty-five minutes closer to work will make a noticeable difference in my life. I've found several possible houses, and on Monday I'll make an offer on my favorite. I'll let you know how that goes!


  1. Oh, I am sorry to hear things haven't worked out as planned. I am sure though that a shorter commute will make it worth while.

  2. But... but.... will you still blog??
    Life takes us many places, and I am sure that this move will be right for you.
    Good luck with the auction.

  3. Fingers crossed on the new place!

    And don't know about you, but the older I get the more precious time becomes. Hope that freeing up more of it from the commute will more than make up for the tradeoffs.

    Love your positive attitude which I know you will pack with you wherever you end up!

  4. Positive attitude is getting a workout. The auction did not bring enough for me to pay cash, as I had intended, on any house big enough to hold all my family furniture, but after paying off the loan I will be able to making a whopping down payment, more than two-thirds on my favorite. I've caught my banker in the office after three days, and he thinks they can lend me enough to buy that house if I bargain well, and certainly enough for one of the two lesser choices. Next Wednesday I go fill out the paper work and then I can finally make an offer.

    BL, of course I will still blog! I'll have to change the header to reflect the move, though.

  5. Oh my goodness! What a change for you. It is funny though, that "things" can have a place and a time and when we are ready to let go we are so ready. I wish you all the best!
