Thursday, August 30, 2012

embracing the chaos

Someday it will not look like this. How soon, I'm afraid to guess. But it's all under the new roof.

The living room, where I can sit down if I'm patient about wiggling through:

The kitchen, where most of the cabinets are still empty because I've found nothing that belongs in them:

The office. I have the computers set up, but no printer or backup drives or scanner yet.

The detested stationary bike is not usable unless I want my left ankle bruised by the empty bookshelves (which are at least in their final place.)

The bedroom remains far too dark for anything to show up without a flash, and the hall, with my clothes in boxes, is almost as dark. You'll have to imagine.

Monday, August 27, 2012


In tribute to Leah's gratitude Mondays:

This freezer-to-microwave lunch container is all I've had to eat or cook with since moving in Tuesday night. (I had brought my second-best kettle beforehand so I could make instant coffee while I worked. Still haven't found my best kettle, or my good coffee pot, or anything else pot or dish like.) Tuesday night I ate chinese takeout. Wednesday I got this out of the freezer to eat at work, and brought it home and thought "Oh! A dish!!!!"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

moving: day one

Closed on the new house on Tuesday. Wednesday, new gas stove delivered, electrical repairs begun (not by me), fence estimate [faints] made and contracted, a few things moved in.

It begins. The professionals will finish it on Tuesday. You may hear from me from beneath the piles of boxes.