Thursday, July 21, 2011


This evening my dog started barking at deer (since I won't let him out to be a herding dog! what else can he do???) and I looked up to see a doe with three spotted fawns. So I got the camera and went to the window.

They don't look like they're all the same age. I know does have twins more often than cattle do, more like goats, but triplets? I think there's a pair of twins and a younger one. Do deer fawn-sit for each other, or is one an orphan?

After listening to Stony barking for a while, they began to move off, but not quickly.

They disappeared down the hill, stopping to graze here and there.


  1. Great captures! I would imagine the other mom was just out of sight, or it was an orphan.

  2. I'm so grateful for what I see out my living room window!

  3. Sounds just beautiful, Mary Anne. What a joy to witness.
