Thursday, September 29, 2011

deer event

I hit a deer this morning. All the time I've driven country roads I never have before. I was amazed to be unharmed. The Jeep, however, was not doing so well. Neither was the deer. The woman who came out to see if I was all right called her husband out to shoot it; both rear legs were broken and it kept trying to get out of the ditch and cause another accident. (It was rush hour; although I took the picture when the road was empty, there was a steady stream of cars coming along.)

This is when I am so thankful to have two cars. You can't see in the picture, but the radiator is leaning back against the engine, and the power steering was non-functional, so I have not yet even had an estimate of how long the work will take.


  1. I'm so glad you're o.k., Mary Anne. Hitting any anything can be very serious. Thank goodness you have two vehicles. Hopefully your jeep will be up and running before too long. Take care.

  2. Oh damn, so sorry to hear about this! Glad you're ok. And so typical (and awesome) of you to look on the bright side rather than dwell on the negative.

  3. Glad you are okay! And that there was someone available to put that poor deer out of it's misery.
    This is one of my biggest fears, and makes me hate driving in the dark.

  4. Oh so sorry! My kid had a deer commit suicide on her car recently... it is NOT pretty. Glad you are OK!

  5. I'm glad you were unharmed.. though you must have been quite shaken up. I'm glad someone was able to help ease the deer out of its pain.

  6. I'm still having my heart speed up whenever I see a deer--or even a mailbox in the dusk.
