So Bag Lady handed me the letter J, and the
very first word that came into my head was
not Jelly or Java or even June, all lovely things that I'm fond of. It reminds me of the time someone asked me what if I could have whatever I wanted without any restrictions at all and the first thing that popped into my head was World Peace, which, I told them, made me sound a great deal more high-minded and selfless than I really am.
Jazz is one of my favorite kinds of music, second only to classical (can I count the Jupiter symphony?), but although I love to dance the Jitterbug is either too formal or too informal to be at the top of my list.
In honor of spring I will agree to call daffodils Jonquils this once. And I love my Journal, which I have been keeping since I was twelve. Since I love words, I especially love Jargon. I can't think of any fruits or vegetables that begin with j, and every time I've been near any Jambalaya I've been allergic to some of the ingredients. Although I love some kinds of exercise I certainly don't love Jogging, and I haven't tried Judo, so I'm going to reach pretty far and say I love the [Lexington] Junior League Horse Show, as well as many other horsy events.