Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Spring is advancing northwards, folks. I picked these today at my old house when I went for another car load of boxes.


  1. So pretty! Please send some of that weather my way.

    - Sagan

  2. I am sooooo jealous! Pick me some too! Oh, I guess it would take some to get them here, and then they'd be dead. I love that you can pick them now! We'll have to wait for at least another two months!

  3. I went to the local home show so I could smell the bulb flowers that they had forced for the show. My hyacinths have their little heads poking up through the dirt, but that is as close as I get for now!

  4. Wa-a-ah!! There's still a foot of snow on top of my flowerbed! Those are so pretty!

    I am really looking forward to spring, now! I planted some new bulbs in a new bed I made, so should have some hyacinths and other things coming up there, if the cats didn't dig them all up, using the bed as a toilet..... sigh.

  5. Bag Lady, at least the cats won't eat the bulbs, unlike mice. (I mean the mice will eat the bulbs, not the cats will eat the mice, although both may be true. More coffee, please.)

    Redbush, my grandmother in south Alabama used to send boxes of camellia blossoms (not hardy up here) six hundred miles by Railroad Express. We used to send her boxes of lilies of the valley (need more cold days than there.) When we had to switch to UPS, the results were...not reliable. Sometimes they survived, sometimes not.
