Sunday, February 7, 2010

wood storage

I had never intended to store the wood on the porches like this, and when I thought of it, I didn't want to do it until the architect had a chance to take pictures. So when I bought a rick last month, I finally applied the method. The recent snow has proven that it doesn't stay quite as dry as I'd hoped, but it's better than under the sky in the Future Carport.

I haven't managed to stack it as tightly as the man I bought it from did, but it fits pretty well.

I love the patterns cut wood makes as much as I love the flames. (Visually, that is. I love the heat more than either. All about the comfort, I am.)


  1. I'd love a fireplace and/or wood stove, but I'll settle for knowing that you're enjoying yours.

  2. A... a fellow wood addict. I literally have "wood envy" when I drive past homes with neatly stacked cord wood. Of course, I have a basement full, and more in the side yard, but I still lust for me. Wood is GOOD.

  3. I have wood envy, too. Oh, wait.... let's clarify - I have firewood envy. There's lots of wood around here, it's just that most of it's still standing.

  4. (What kind of wood is that, anyway?)

  5. That's a great idea!

    The thing I miss the most about living in a house is our old woodstove. And there's something very relaxing about chopping firewood, too.

  6. Bag Lady, the wood I just bought is a mixture. The fellow who cut it built his own wood stove (he's retired from a stove company--I must go buy some more and talk for another hour or so) and burns green wood, but he doesn't expect his customers to do that. Most of it is either oak or locust (I still have some locust from my father's old house that was cut more than four years ago--I moved it from his house to my old house, burned most of it there, and then moved it here, where I'm still saving back a few pieces. That last has really warmed me: into the truck, out of the truck, three times, before I ever carried it indoors) but there's some cherry, too, a little ash, and some osage orange. I'd never burned osage orange, and he told me it burns really hot. It does! When I put a piece on, and it got going, I ran across the room to turn the draft down. It sounded like a plane taking off.

    Daryl, last year I bought a cord of oak from a neighbor down the road. He had it stacked next to the road, and I kept driving past it bringing furniture over here, and it was So Pretty. I stopped and asked the price, and told him I didn't really need any more, but it looked irresistible. I didn't need it, either; I'm just now burning the last of it. He's not regularly in the wood business; he just happened to have some storm damaged oaks from two years ago.

    I'm enjoying it right now. Sometimes I wish I hadn't been sensible and decided against a third stove in the bedroom, where I must go soon.

  7. Great little wood nook! We've been wanting to start ours lately, but have had too much going on. Instead once in a while we spend time with Bonzi out in the cold, and build a fire in the fireplace outside. We love a fire! Mostly we burn pine and spruce.
