Sunday, March 14, 2010

too pretty to burn

I will burn this piece eventually, but for now it's propped up on the porch where I can enjoy the blue lichens.

Even Image Stabilization could not fix how wobbly I was on one knee:

They remind me of angel wing shells, sort of.


  1. That is very cool! I probably wouldn't burn it right away, either. It makes an interesting porch decoration!

  2. Every time I stop and look at those rings of color (can you call it a ring if it doesn't go all the way around? I guess I mean arc) I am amazed.

  3. Mother Nature is beautiful. Something like that, I could just sit in front of and marvel at for hours.

  4. Agreed.. that's not for burning.

  5. I stop for a look every time I pass. Even in shooting in bright sun I couldn't get an accurate reproduction of the incredible blueness.
